
Developed in close collaboration with dentists, Y-Brush is the next  generation electric toothbrush able to brush teeth efficiently in only  10 seconds.  

A simple concept to explain, but which required close to 5 years of  research and development (R&D) and is under protection of several  patents. 

Y-Brush is the only product on the market to use nylon bristles rath er than silicone strips, consequently ensuring a better efficiency to a  correctly used regular toothbrush. 

Y-Brush was created to improve oral and dental health, which is currently a global public health issue.  

In fact, 90% of case studies show that teeth brushing is not done correctly. Recommendations made by health professionals are similar  from country to country. They all agree on the importance of respecting 2 main requirements for dental health to be efficient, whether it  be with an electric toothbrush, or a manual one:  

Teeth should be brushed for 2 to 3 minutes twice a day. This corresponds to a minimum of 4 seconds spent on one tooth.  – A technical motion called the Bass method should be adopted. This consists in slightly tilting the toothbrush, so that the bristles are  inclined at a 45° angle on the teeth, while gently moving the brush back and forth in short strokes combined with slight movements of  small amplitude. 

For many, teeth brushing is considered as a strenuous and tedious chore, and the official recommendations end up not being taken into  consideration. (See dental care box below) 


Numerous studies have shown that dental recommendations tend to not be adopted by the population, testifying to the fact that oral and den tal health is an important issue today. Health care institutions recommend people should brush their teeth for 2 or 3 minutes using the correct  technique, at least twice a day; and that people should change their brush at least 4 times a year.  

However, the 2014 Delta Dental Oral Health and Well-Being Survey held by the American Dental Association shows that a third of Americans  don’t brush their teeth twice a day, and most brush for about 1 minute.  

According to figures from the Australian Dental Association, almost half of adults and a third of children don’t brush their teeth twice a  day, and most of them brush for around 45 seconds.  

For the World Health Organization, 99% of adults will have at least 1 dental cavity in their lifetime. 

The way Y-Brush works is similar to the way a regular electric  toothbrush works: a handle conveys vibrations to a nylon bristle  brush which in turns moves in such a way to efficiently clean the  teeth, gums and gum line. The vibrations provided by the device are  based on specific sonic frequencies. 

The innovative character of the product comes from the brush  itself. The brush, flexible, is in the shape of a Y allowing for com plete coverage of all of the teeth. 

Instead of brushing tooth per tooth, facet per facet as with regular  manual toothbrushes, with Y-Brush, all teeth are brushed at the  same time and for 5 seconds each. 

The process is actually considered as more effective, since we can  consider that the time spent per tooth facet is multiplied by 4. Y-Brush uses nylon bristles and vibrations for maximal efficiency.  Indeed, these technologies have been proven to be the most  performant

Unlike silicone strips and other materials which have been tested,  nylon bristles are fine enough to reach in between the teeth, thus  producing a deep clean and careful elimination of dental plaque.

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