Image recognition technology leads to high-cost savings for hotels and restaurants
Utrecht, the Netherlands, December 2021 – One-third of all the food produced globally is wasted, representing 1.3 billion tons of edible food and unnecessary spending. Orbisk is a Dutch startup aiming to make the world food system more sustainable, by giving professional kitchens the ability to reduce their edible food waste stream by up to 70% with their fully-automated food waste monitoring service. The collected data allows professional kitchens to adapt and optimize their entire food process, save thousands of kilos per year (worth tens of thousands of dollars), and realize a net operating margin increase of 2-5% while doing good for the planet.
Combating climate change
According to Project Drawdown, food waste reduction is the #1 solution to combat climate change. The foodservice industry wastes billions of kilograms of edible food per year, resulting in pollution (growing, farming, transport) and billions of kilograms of CO2 being released into the atmosphere. And it’s happening because of a lack of insights. After all, you can’t reduce your food waste if you don’t know how much you waste.
How Orbisk works
Orbisk has made it its mission to enable hotels, restaurants, and caterers to track and combat their waste. Through image recognition technology, Orbisk recognizes what sort of ingredient goes to waste and in what quantity. Chefs, kitchen staff, and business owners get access to an online dashboard with all the collected data from the monitor. They can see per week, day, or ingredient, how much they throw away, and at which moment of the day. This allows them to recognize recurring losses and adapt their entire kitchen process to save food, money, and do good for the environment.
Orbisk food waste solution is available for $650 per month. With Orbisk, an average food service location saves on average $65.000 per year.
Last modified: December 30, 2021