Compliance with GDPR Rules and Regulations

As of 25 May 2018, the European Union has enacted and begun enforcing the data storage protocols and standards of the GDPR or General Data Protection Regulation. CBMG/ is committed to protecting the safety and protection of personally identifiable information and has taken the necessary steps to comply with this important legislation and will provide more information about those actions in the following content below.

In case you have any question you are welcome to contact us

Data Storage

What Data is stored?

Ideas and intellectual content submitted on CBMG/’s tools and mobile applications is tied to an individual user account which includes their name and email address and in some cases, profile photo. At the very least, an email is required for an individual to begin using CBMG/’s solutions. That email is used to verify them as an individual and safeguard against spam. Users may elect to add additional information into their user accounts to create a user profile or as anecdotal additions to their submissions and interaction within the various CBMG/ solutions. This data may include their name, links to their social media account and other information volunteered in a free form text box.

Where is it stored?

Information that can be considered personal data under the GDPR legislation that is related to our core business, is securely stored within the European Union and in a manner that follows the best practices for the industry. We do utilize some third party support systems that could be hosted outside of the European Union, but these systems have limited or no access to that personal information.

Data Management

Data and Usage Agreements

Need to upload custom user agreements? CBMG/ has created an easy to use process that allows you to upload and ask users to accept the terms and conditions in your custom user agreement during the signup process, which is also customizable.

Deletion of Data

Your personal information and it’s integrity is of the highest priority and GDPR has given individuals the ability to control who has rights to that information. There are certain times when, for which the deletion of data on CBMG/ servers is called, whether that is upon an organization’s request, or a request by an individual user.

– Upon Individual User’s Requests

If a user would like their profile, and the information stored along with that, to be deleted, they can request that it be approved by a platform administrator. Once the admin approves their request, the system will delete their account. To do so, a user must simply log into their profile on an CBMG/ platform and select the option to request that their profile deleted. Platform admins are able to track deletion requests and manage them on an ongoing basis from the “Users” tab in their administrative panel.

– Upon Organizational Request

When an organization terminates their contract with CBMG/, the information associated with that company, that stored on CBMG/ servers will be deleted as stipulated in the CBMG/ agreement. CBMG/’s agreements specify that all of this information will be deleted within three months. The administrator for this CBMG/ Platform simply needs to contact CBMG/ and make the request.

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