The Consumer Electronics Show brings together over 180,000 attendees and 4,000 exhibitors from every industry under the bright lights of Las Vegas. The best part of CES is the opportunity to cultivate partnerships with clients and consumers while networking at some of the biggest parties of the year with new individuals. CES exhibitors host hundreds of happy hours, parties, and exclusive invite-only VIP networking events. Be sure to have plenty of business cards, and have a plan to follow-up with everyone you meet.
Check out our full list of parties and events during CES week. We can’t guarantee entry to any events on this list as an RSVP or special invite is generally required. Sign-up now before they’re sold out. Enjoy a fabulous #CES2021.
In no way, CBMG or endorse any party or event listed above. All content on this site is solely for attendees and delegates to explore various networking events occurring during #CES2021.
CES® is the registered trademark of The Consumer Technology Association.® CBMG is not endorsed by, affiliated with, or sponsored by CES.