Touchless sensors enable body temperature measurements within half a second. Three young Dutch entrepreneurs have developed GateDoc. An autonomous device which enhances safety measurements against coronavirus “In just a fraction of a second, it becomes clear whether you should enter a facility or not”, says co-founder Dennis Giezeman (27), “we create fever free zones.” Interest from countries all over the world is shown before the actual launch.

“We were among the first to be confronted with the protective regulations against Covid-19 at our office in Shenzhen (China). Entire cities went in total lockdown and temperature measurements at facility entrances became a new standard.” The young entrepreneurs noticed the downsides of this approach. The checks were carried out by security guards and resulted in higher risk of infection for both visitors and guards. Long waiting lines started to appear and smaller entrepreneurs were confronted with increased costs. “Our headquarters in the Netherlands also struggled with addressing the dilemma of whether it is responsible to go to the office. Or to the gym, supermarket or restaurant. That is how we came up with the idea of GateDoc, an objective and efficient process to increase safety and wellbeing.”

Fast and accurate measurement
GateDoc uses touchless sensors to perform a temperature scan and has an accuracy up to 0,2 degrees Fahrenheit within 0,5 seconds. Visitors shortly place their head one to four inches in front of GateDoc. The scanning method (forehead temperature measurement) indicates through a green or red light and sound whether an individual is able to enter the area. Giezeman: “GateDoc is also app-connected. The manager or owner of the facility will receive an alert when someone with fever is detected at the entrance.”
The pre-order campaign is resulting in orders from all over the world. GateDoc will start delivering in early December.
A passion for everyday problems
The three founders of GateDoc share a passion for solving everyday problems through both new and existing technology. Alain Dijkstra (35) left Amsterdam at eighteen years old to start a factory in Shenzhen (China), specializing in light therapy products. Dennis Giezeman (27) and Amit Jaura (24) both got involved in entrepreneurship during their studies.
Last modified: January 5, 2021